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Friday, April 24, 2009

Local Spotlight...Locomotivity...Asheville North Carolina

Greetings All,

What? Could this actually be a post from the long lost Publisher of this little Zine?

Why Yes...it is.

I have been spending most of my time reading and scheduling all of the great posts you have been enjoying on AWOP TeamZine and today seemed like a good day to say hello and thanks to all our subscribers and Twitter followers alike.

It's been a long winter at altitude and now that spring has come to our part of Appalachia my partner and I find ourselves very close to moving back to the city. If you happen to live in Asheville or have ever visited you may have noticed it is a bit shall we say..."quirky"...yes the bumper stickers that say "Keep Asheville Weird" are not kidding. Why is it weird? Well... weird is a subjective word and when I use it I mean "quirky". I am from Texas and the closest thing there might be Austin but even Austin is not this quirky.

OK...I will try not to use that word again for the rest of this post.

I am beginning a new feature inspired by this beautiful day and a really great business idea. Great ideas made real deserve a little PR and I wish I had thought of this one!

If you are ever in Asheville and you need a place to hang and work online be sure and check out Locomotivity:

Locomotivity – The Power of Changing Place

Get out of your bedroom office! Move beyond Starbucks and Mountain Java! Locomotivity is the place where you can go to have a solid afternoon cranking out code, hammering away at a blog post, designing a new logo, surfing the web, or writing that next article.

Locomotivity is a collaborative, creative, fun and professional shared work space for freelancers and small/micro business owners in and around Asheville, NC. At Locomotivity you’ll find an energizing place to work where you are surrounded by other like-minded creatives and professionals. We bring people together who otherwise would be stuck in a basement office at home or at the local coffee shop.
This place is awesome and I highly recommend you check them out! Turns out Lance, the owner, is from a small town near the small town I lived in outside Dallas! Small world. They have a daily rate of 15.00 for all the coffee you can drink and blazing...RELIABLE internet! Need a space on a regular basis? Check out their various membership levels to meet anyones needs.

Stop in and see the cool space Lance has created in a great old Asheville period home at 224 Broadway...just a few blocks from downtown.

Hope you guys are having a great spring, so far!

Stay tuned for more local flavor from beautiful Asheville North Carolina!


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Peace Y'all

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

A Challenge To Rush Limbaugh

There are some things I don't blog about because I'm so appalled by them, that I don't know what to say.

I know. Imagine that.

The fact that America tortures, is one of those things. There are so many more gifted and knowledgeable people out there that can write brutally and elegantly and deeply about this subject, that I don't know what I can add. But I realized today, that there are a few things that I don't see, so I thought I'd better write them down.

First of all, there's that fat fuck Rush Limbaugh. Sorry to insult all people of weight. But his large-ass figures prominently into what I'm going to say.

I'd like to challenge Rush Limbaugh to go through SERE training. (That's the school where they put you through all the torture techniques that were approved by BushCo for the non-white, bearded different people who wear turbans sometimes and actually fucking kneel down once a day to pray - can you imagine? - and who are still in our custody illegally, unless of course they mysteriously died or have gone insane.) I'm just appalled that that motherfucker Limbaugh is actually slapping his blubbery face on the radio to show people how stupid we are to be upset about torturing people.

Limbaugh is a classic bully. The kind that ridicules and threatens people from the safety of his fucking recording studio, but doesn't have the teabagging balls to engage mano a mano. Because he's a... Fucking Pussy.

Once I was in this group therapy class and one of the women was describing her uncle who had molested her and who now was molesting her daughter. She was terrified and didn't know what to do. The therapist was this famous guy who was a protégé of Carl Yung, and in that Germanic-Swissy not-very-sissy accent he said, "Your uncle is a classic bully. That means he is more afraid of you, than you are of him. I want you to go back home tonight, get a male friend or relative, and take your uncle aside and tell him this: If you touch my daughter again, I'm going to get a shotgun and blow your balls off. Your penis will be scattered across the room in tiny little bloody bits. Understand me? UNDERSTAND ME?"

You know, I could say that to her uncle right now and mean it. Even if I didn't have a shotgun, his balls would be mincemeat.

But, back to Rush. And his balls. Or lack thereof.

First, he'd have to suffer through cold turkey to get off that OxyContin. Because you know he didn't stop taking that shit. Hell, he's being paid by the RNC in tablet form (or maybe they crush it into powder for him to get rid of the time-release aspect so Rush can get his Rush faster), just so he can continue to mouth off about the feminazis pain-free. Fucking drug addict.

We don't want that pasty-white chicken shit to avoid the pain of torture by using recreational rich-boy drugs. No, we don't.

Next, he'll need to be deprived of cheetos and twinkies, his favorite foods when he was couch surfing on welfare while his wife worked. Fucking deadbeat.

Maybe he'll have the svelt look when he comes out of training, along with that crazy look that comes from having your worst fears shoved into the tiny box that somebody decided they'd put you in for, oh, well, who knows how long. And what day is it? And is it daytime, or nighttime? Who am I anyway? Don't you know who I am? I was famous, I think. Once. Can I have some food now? Could you turn down that rap music? I hate black people. They're all drug addicts and deadbeats.


I repeat. If that motherfucker can make light of torture from the comfort of his radio studio, then he can go take the torture class. We'll see how long he lasts. I hate to say this Rush, but Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and Abu Zubaydah have way bigger balls than you do. Way. Bigger.

Politics After 50

AWOP Contributor

(Image stolen from PoliticalHumor. Let me know if that pisses anyone off and I'll take it down. The image. Not PoliticalHumor. I really don't own a shotgun. Really.)


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Peace Y'all

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Conservatives Make Fools Of Themselves Once Again

This is maybe the most disgusting display of conservative mental illness and anti-Americanism I've seen to date. What's funny, though, is that almost every clip in this video was being taped or going to air at the very time that U.S. Navy SEALs were executing this mission.

America is rightly sickened by these disaster porn perverts.

Mark Bruno
AWOP Contributor
Author of Left Of Center Blog


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Peace Y'all

Friday, April 3, 2009

My Waiver

I thought that I would share this Waiver that I came across in my journal this morning. A few years ago, well over four apparently, judging by the date on this Waiver, a good friend and colleague of mine presented me with this and I dutifully read and signed such waiver and it resides in my journal to remind me to Live Life Fully. It is from Melody Beattie's book, The Language of Letting Go.

Read the following waiver carefully. Fill in the blanks, and be aware of what you're signing. Take responsibility for what you do.


I understand that during the course of my life I will be required to make many decisions, such as where I want to live, whom I want to live with, where I work, how much fun I have, and how I spend my money and time, including how much time I spend waiting for things to get better and people to change, and whom I choose to love.

I understand that many events that occur will be out of my hands and that there are inherent dangers and risks in all decisions I make. Life and people have no obligation whatsoever to live up to my expectations; I have no obligation to live up to the expectations of anybody else. Life is a high-risk sport, and I may become injured along the way.

I agree that all the decisions I make are mine and mine alone, including how I choose to handle the events that are beyond my control. I hereby forfeit my right to recourse as a victim, including my rights to blame, complain, and whine or hold someone else responsible for the path I choose to take. I am responsible for my participation--or lack of it--in life. And I take complete responsibility for the outcomes and consequences of all decisions I make, understanding that ultimately it is my choice whether I become happy, joyous, and free or stay miserable and trapped.

Although people may voluntarily nurture and love me, I and I alone am responsible for taking care of and loving myself.

Signed: _________________________

Date: ______________________

I love it (that's why I'm sharing it today). I copied the text into a Word document and pasted a flower into the background, then printed it out to keep in my journal with all the other junk in there (seriously, I will likely be sharing stuff out of my journal in the months to come and I hope it intrigues you and also gives you some fun ideas for your journal).

AWOP Contributor
Author of The Wandering Elf Blog


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