Rush Limbaugh.
What a supersize piece of crap you are, mister.
I really have to think that the more this guy talks the more people realize how ugly, vile and un-American his ideology really is.
Team AWOP Contributor, Thurman of Random Abstractions has a few thoughts on mister Limbaugh and those Republicants as well........
Republican Crybabies
I understand that President Obama doesn't want to come straight out of the starting gate playing hardball with the GOP members of Congress. Part of the reason I voted for the man is his innate ability to empathize with the points of views of people on all sides of an issue and find the common ground where we can all reap the greatest good. My patience with the shenanigans some members of the Republican party are pulling this week is quickly running out. I'm ready to see our majority kick down some doors.
To appease the far right, Mr. Obama personally asked for the removal of funding for family planning from the current stimulus bill. Okay, I can see where some people might not see that sort of thing as directly related to economic stimulus, even though we all know the real reason it was removed. Maybe our side stuck that in there just so we would have a few things we could yank out during the negotiating process.
Funding for renovating the national mall, one of the most visited national parks in the country, was also removed - again due to conservative posturing. That money would likely have been used to hire local area small businesses to provide the needed services. I thought this was the kind of thing this bill is supposed to do. It would certainly have meant hiring some people, who would have earned paychecks and ultimately would have spent some of that money in the local economy, thus generating economic stimulus.
I also read somewhere that funding for infrastructure improvements, a big part of what Barack Obama campaigned on last year, has been cut in order to slide more tax cuts into the bill. A lot of us voted for change in part because we believe that much of our national infrastructure is in dire need of repair.
We've tried stimulating the economy with tax cuts for the past eight years (some would argue even longer) and where has it gotten us? Look around at the mess we're in. The fact that you cannot cut taxes, enshrine endless consuming, and expect sustainable growth in perpetuity seems to have been proven beyond repudiation in the first eight years of the twenty-first century.
If all of the aforementioned Republican nonsense wasn't bad enough, this evening I read that some Republican senators are even threatening to stall a vote on Labor Secretary nominee Hilda Solis, due to her support of organized labor and the Employee Free Choice Act. Get a grip you babies - YOU LOST! A huge part of the electorate turned out last November and held a referendum on your ideas and policies -the verdict was quite clear. YOU LOST! Deal with it!
President Obama, if by some miracle you should ever read this, I applaud your efforts to reach across the aisle and consider the opinions of all parties involved, but there has to be a limit, a point at which you and your administration say to these sore losers, "you had your chance, now we do it our way." I believe we've reached that point. Don't let them water down your (and our) agenda for the sake of some pretended bipartisanship on their part, only to have them throw you under the bus at the first opportunity. Stand firm, we are with you.
One other point before I close this evening.
Recently conservative talk-radio blow hard, Rush Limbaugh very publicly stated that he hopes President Obama fails. A few days later he was heard defending his unpatriotic remarks by rationalizing that Barack Obama probably hopes he (Limbaugh) fails too.
The difference here is that Barack Obama is the duly elected president of the most powerful nation in the free world, and you, Mr. Limbaugh, are merely an over paid, over rated, drug addicted, mouthpiece of corporate America with an over amplified microphone. While your ideology and your behavior absolutely disgust me, I will forever defend your right as an American, to continue showing your ass in public.
What's up with those House Republicans? Same old shell game with the truth.
Peace Y'all